Map Ranking


Tribe name:DO0M
Number of members:19
Points of the best 20 players688.209
Total points:688.209
Average points:36.222
Opponents defeated: 871.237 (10.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
Golden Mountain 1 79,122 39 11
DavidMal 2 75,839 43 11
T..iT 3 75,752 44 13
aBottleofCoke 4 69,963 49 17
Lord Varys 5 66,219 52 11
broon 6 51,419 71 13
Rollo 7 41,725 88 8
dezopri 8 38,582 97 11
NumbNutz69 9 33,516 118 11
Lord Silverback 10 33,187 119 7
Dreams 11 27,399 134 7
King Arthur15 12 20,287 162 4
AntMan201 13 14,809 186 4
MN77 14 13,867 196 3
BALSAMAKIS 15 13,191 204 4
btec 16 11,839 213 4
Sabrina Morningstar 17 11,814 215 5
MK-47 18 7,274 259 2
Demonic Princess 19 2,405 407 1
DO0M was founded by BALSAMAKIS. If you have questions please contact BALSAMAKIS.

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