Map Ranking

The Resistance

Tribe name:The Resistance
Number of members:12
Points of the best 20 players720.458
Total points:720.458
Average points:60.038
Opponents defeated: 7.991.839 (12.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
meridijanas 1 248,717 28 42
MrMiyagi 2 95,326 52 12
breakthru 3 72,567 55 12
CurtBoT 4 57,943 63 13
wild tiger 5 57,747 68 8
oldwelshbloke 6 46,494 74 10
Hobgoblin 7 40,300 81 10
welshygunner82 8 28,123 92 4
donaeo 9 24,731 97 5
Mithra6277 10 21,901 105 4
kungwu 11 13,918 121 6
krakatuzas 12 12,691 122 3
Heist was founded by Humans. If you have questions please contact one of them.